
Sharing is Caring ^.^

Today i saw 2 videos.. I love both of them as in both have a way tht educate people to the positive side.. The 1st video is about this guy which only have a small tiny foot. He does not have hands and his name is Nick Vujicic which i think most people have known bout this strong, positive guy. He can do most of the things which a normal human being can do such as dribbling a football, controlling a speedboat, and also fishing which can be seen clearly on the video above. Why such person can be so positive and live such happy life? Why cant we as a normal human which always have to think such negative way.? And give out our life easily. I wish everyone around me will be as strong as him. This will start from my daily routine which i'll take the lead to motivate my friends and family to think, say and do the positive way.

This is the 2nd video which some people will not take it as it is very disgusting and violent. This actually tells how human treat animal and these animals which are treated in such way are mostly rare to be seen and consider to be extinct. These animals were killed in such way and this is all because of the demand in the market. Do watch it if u can take disgusting scene or u care about the animals which are going to extinct. This also match the advertisement at the side of my blog with the title "Don't loose them". Stop animal abuse.! I think no one want this kind of video to be uploaded on net. To stop this evidence of abusing animals to be shown again on the net then stop buying animal product. 

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